414-764-5550 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110

Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care Cudahy Cudahy Milwaukee

Emergency Dental Care

The dentists at Cudahy Dental understand that not all tooth problems and needs can be planned for.

We are happy to offer emergency appointments so that you can be seen as soon as possible for immediate dental needs like a broken tooth, dental infection, swelling and pain. We make every effort to accommodate these visits ASAP and are often are able to see patients the same day. Depending on each patient’s emergency needs, sometimes treatment for the issue can be completed the same day! Cudahy Dental also happy to offer an Emergency Answering Service for our existing patients for those emergencies that cannot wait until normal business hours.


The Emergency Answering Service can be reached by calling 414-764-5550 after normal business hours.

Office Address

 6217 S. Packard Ave Cudahy, WI 53110



Monday - Thursday07:00 - 6:00
Friday07:00 - 1:00

Get Directions

6217 S Packard Ave | Cudahy, WI 53110

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